An inspiring collection of basketball biography books for fans of all ages
“This is the sort of book works for two types of audiences. For the casual sports fan, the author hits all the highlights of Steph Curry’s career, while at the same time he doles out plenty of stats that avid basketball fanatics crave. […] One of the things I really liked about this biography is the author’s approach. He gave me the facts, which allowed me to form my own opinions about Steph Curry. Next time I’m in the mood for a sports book, I’ll be looking to see what Clayton Geoffreys has to offer.
– Grandpa Ray

How I got started writing basketball stories
I love basketball. It’s truly inspiring seeing players dedicate a great deal of their lives performing for many to watch in awe. Basketball has always been a deeply rooted passion of mine, which is why I started my writing career off by writing unauthorized biographies about star basketball players.
From exploring player profiles such as Steph Curry to digging into history learning about Larry Bird, I can easily say that basketball is one of the best sports for understanding the meaning of hard work and success. I write my books to inspire readers like you, and hope that you take away as much from my books as I do from writing them.
If you are a basketball fanatic like me, check out my complete Basketball Biography Books series. In this series, I cover over 100 stories of different NBA greats.