Personality Books

An inspiring collection of personality books

A must-read for the info. Very good read. Helped me understand more about who I really am. Thank you.

– Trudy Leggett

Personality Books Series

How I got started writing personality books

I’m fascinated by psychology. Growing up, I’d read every psychology book I could get my hands on. As I grew older, personality books, in particular, intrigued me. I’ve spent considerable time learning about different personality types and personality disorders.

If you’re like me, finding yourself intrigued by the complexities of one’s personality, in this Personality Type Book Series, I cover MBTI personality types, hoping to provide a better understanding of one of life’s greatest intricacies: our personalities.


Just a few of the personality types I’ve covered:

INFP: Understanding & Relating with the Healer


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INTJ: Understanding & Relating with the Mastermind


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ISTJ: Understanding & Relating with the Inspector


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ISFP: Understanding & Relating with the Composer


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ENTP: Understanding & Relating with the Inventor


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INFJ: Understanding & Relating with the Counselor


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ESFP: Understanding & Relating with the Performer


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ENTJ: Understanding & Relating with the Leader


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See the rest of the books in this series

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